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Outers Cleaning Kit, Universal, 62 Piece Aluminum Case.

Kit Includes:

Latched aluminum storage case with handle
Custom parts organizer
3 Solid brass rods for .17 through .270 caliber rifles and pistols
3 Solid brass rods for .30 caliber and larger rifles, pistols shotguns and muzzleloaders
14 Bronze brushes to fit: .17, .20, .22 pistol, .22 rifle, .243 through .25 and 6mm, 6.5mm, .270 and 7mm, .30 and 8mm, .38, .357 and 9mm, .40, .45 and 10mm calibers, .410 bore, 20 and 28 gauge, 10 and 12 gauge, .50, .54 calibers
9 Mops to fit: .17, .22 through .25 and 6mm, 6.5mm, .270 through .30 and 7mm, 8mm, .38, .357 and 9mm, .40, .45 and 10mm calibers, .410 bore, 20 and 28 gauge, 10 and 12 gauge, .50 through .54 caliber
13 Spear pointed brass Jags to fit: .17, .22, 6mm, .25 and 6.5mm, .270 and 7mm, .30 through .32, .338 and 8mm, .35 and 9mm, .375, .40, .44, .45, .50 calibers
4 Slotted patch loops to fit: .22 caliber, .30 caliber, .410 bore through 20 gauge, 10 and 12 gauge
3 Utility brushes
3 Muzzle guards to fit: .17, .22, .30 calibers
3 Accessory adaptors for rifle, pistol, shotgun and muzzleloader
50 Cleaning patches: 3" x 1.5"
50 Cleaning patches: 3" x 3"
4 Polishing cloths

Outers Cleaning Kit Universal Gun Cleaning
