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Freedom Munitions is proud to present X-DEF - a personal defense round designed to break the mold but not your wallet.

Engineered from the ground up with optimum penetration and weight retention in mind. The X-DEF projectile features penetration of 12-18” in Clear Ballistic Gelatin. With at least 99% weight retention, X-DEF is one of the best performing personal defense projectiles available today.

But to break the mold we had to go one step further. Personal defense ammunition is conventionally packaged in 20 or 25 count boxes. Freedom Munitions X-DEF however is packaged in 50 count boxes -but at the same price levels you’re used to paying for the competitions old 20 or 25 count boxes.

Better projectile, better performance, and better value. Freedom Munitions X-DEF is ready to be your choice for personal defense ammunition.

9mm Luger 124 Gr HP XDEF New +P

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